Our programs and coaching facilitate our client's achievement of their agreed-upon goals and objectives in weight loss, maintaining a well-balanced diet, improving life longevity with healthy eating habits, and increasing fitness with vitamins and supplements. All programs are designed to create a holistic living and move closer to clean eating and live to promote living happier, prosperous, and more joy-filled life. Our mission is to help our clients understand their "WHY" they wish to transform their life, place the "WHY" in front of your growth, and work with them in a mutual coordinate and professional manner to achieve massive life and health success. We will help you understand and maintain a well-balanced diet to ensure you lose weight and keep it off for good. The first step is understanding how to lose weight and why you gain weight.
We will work with you to understand your well-being in 4 areas:




Health & Wellness

Five Primary Nutrients
Additionally, we will teach and instruct you on the five primary nutrients to maximize dieting, weight loss, balanced nutrition, and supplementing your diet. You will learn about many ways to maintain overall good health: micronutrients, macronutrients, proteins, fats, blood sugar control, digestion, how to eat healthier, and how to maintain your weight loss, improved health, and stay on a journey to build a better life in your health, wellness and modified habits (Food, Nutrition, Exercise) Coaching.
A Fullfilled Life
Health and Wellness
These go hand-to-hand in the spectrum of maintaining a high level of a fulfilled life. Our mission is to help others live a better life by facilitating each client to live their best life while staying healthy. Health and Wellness are done by increase health in a full life wellness state. This wellness state starts in the mind, seen in the daily actions, and maintained with a system of support to increase health and diet habits. Therefore, we provide One-on-One Coaching, Weekly Group Coaching, eBooks, Webinar Training, and Seminar designed to continue growth and success. Additionally, it is our mission to those seeking to lose weight and maintain their improved health journey via clearly designed meal plans on www.HealthJourneyPro.com.

Health Coaching
Our coaching goes deep into nutrition science, beyond fitness trends, and into whole-body strength and conditioning training, all from the comfort of your home. We offer you a clear path to reach your health, wellness, and fitness goals at a self-paced or guided with a one-on-one certified health coach. We offer a wide range of services from nutrition guidance to customized exercise programs, stress reduction, health improvement eBooks, vitamins, and supplements to help you reach your optimal health and weight loss goals. We challenge our clients every step on their journey to exceed their starter goals, help ensure they can recalibrate overall health, and fine-tune each individual's path to success. We will conduct an assessment throughout your transformation journey to ensure you state motivated, making gains, and maintaining your optimal health journey. Many diet programs involve struggle and sacrifice and the ups and downs of starting new diet programs often. Our programs are designed to place you into a fat-burning start, keep you on a healthy eating program, and, if you wish, augment your routine diet with quality supplements to maintain your health. We exercise and workout programs because if you are moving, your body stays in motion, you keep the unwanted pounds off, and you feel better.
Meal Plans, Tracking, and Exercise
We have made life simple and eating healthier, even simpler! Certified doctors and dietitians design all of our Meal Plans on www.HealthJourneyPro.com. Our plans are designed to teach you new eating habits and help those wishing to transform their lives via a health and wellness journey. Each meal plan template teaches you a 7-day meal rotation, which can be followed for several weeks until your new habits are in place.
This coaching payment structure is for your consideration and allows you to select the best plan for your health change goals.
This coaching payment structure is for your consideration and allows you to select the best plan for your health change goals.
Silver Plan
- Health & Weight Loss Success Weekly Group Coaching call
- Free Ebook: Lose 10 Pounds Quickly!
Gold Plan
- Access to Weekly Group Coaching
- Free Ebook: Lose 10 Pounds Quickly!
- Access to Members Only Facebook Group
- The weekly 30 minutes coaching call requires your enrollment into the Monthly Gold Plan or the 90 days Gold Plan membership program.
Platinum Plan
- Access to Weekly Group Coaching
- Weekly One-on-One Coaching Call
- Free Ebook: Lose 10 Pounds Quickly!
- Access to Members Only Facebook Group
- You Get All-Inclusive Access To The Platinum Meal Plans, Grocery List Builder, My Moves, and APP

We have several health coaching options designed to help our clients. These plans provide balanced, healthy, nutrient-rich meals that are also delicious. Pre-planned meal plans offer variety as you start creating healthy and nutritious meals.
- Meal Plans Designed to help our clients maximize weight loss and gain optimal healthy eating habits.
- Step-By-Step and Custom Recipes Creator
- Grocery Lists
- Food Log to track calories consumed
- Exercise log to track calories burned
- FitBit and Wearables Workout Synchronization
- Video Tutorial Training
Easy To Use. Easy To Take With You.
The Pro App
My Meals screen
Your plan is displayed with options to exchange foods for preferences.
My Log screen
Keep a food and exercise journal, sync with Fitbit and supported wearables.
Workout Planner
Plan and track your workout schedule in a list or a calendar view.
Exercise Database
Find your favorite exercises from our database of nearly 1,000 exercise videos.
Exercise Details
Watch videos of each exercise movement and follow instructions, steps, reps, weight, speed, distance and etc.
My Goal screen
Keep track of your weight changes and goals.
Today's Summary
Gives you a summary of today's activities and totals.
Receive daily fit tips and inspirational messages.
Grocery List screen
View and manage your healthy food list for shopping.
Bar Code Scanner
Add custom foods easily from nutritional labels.
Financial, Career, Love, and Your Relationships
Is it your health? Your Career? Your Finances? Your Relationships? What is the most urgent thing pressing on your mind? Our mission is to help you navigate your way through these questions from a health journey path and, at times, a life journey path. We will help you align the two brains, the Cortex and Brain Stem (Critter Brain), to help you down the path to gain better health and increase your wealth. Improving your health and wealth will allow you to feel better about yourself, and it is the gateway to having a better relationship with yourself and others. You will learn how to love yourself more, and then you will be able to place that love in the right perspective to open your life up to being loved more by others. Here are some key elements we teach in Health Coaching and Life Coaching because they are interconnected. Therefore, our coaching and training focus on key aspects of total life growth.
- Learn to love yourself first, and you will have an abundance of love for others.
- Great Health is a key and integrated part of gaining generational wealth.
- Be Intentional – Wake Up Every Morning With Purpose.
- Live from your deepest, most sincere commitments and values – create new and successful core values.
- Be Present, live a life of gratitude, and self-honesty.
- Develop a master of your perceptions, emotions, and the thinking process.
- Take ownership of the moment, hour, day, and years of your life.
- Love who you are NOW, but be willing to make positive changes to become better and grow into the best you!

Better Health from a Natural, Organic, and Holistic Life: Body, Fitness, Nutrient, Weight Control, and Mind.
- Clean Eating
- Detoxify Your Body
- Diabetes Control
- Blood Sugar Control
- Health Improvement & Dieting Coaching Options: Clean Eating, Healthy Eating, Low Calories, Low Carbohydrates, Keto, Mediterranean, Paleo, Pescatarian, Vegan, and Vegetarian
- Live a life of Abundance
- Self Improvement + Health Improvement = life Changing
Vitamins and Supplements
For Health, Wellness, and Weight Loss. In today's mass farming world and the rush to get food from the farms to the market, we have striped our everyday foods of the rich nutrients that were once found in our food to keep us healthy. With soil depletion, mass farmed food has far fewer nutrients within the food-vegetables to allow us to eat well and live a longer life.
To maintain optimal health, the human body needs to have at least 90 essential vitamins and nutrients in our body; daily. Below we will list several websites that we trust. We are an affiliate of many companies that will supply you with the vitamins design for better health, maximize weight loss, boost your immune system, and maintain excellent health.
- Youngevity Vitamins and Supplement – 90 For Life: The products provide the nutrition you need to boost your immune system, shed unwanted pounds, optimize energy levels, increase your sleep, keep your body into a healthy state, and help you live a balanced life. Our core philosophy is based on the principles and research of co-founder Dr. Wallach, whose 40-year career is dedicated to helping people live younger and longer lives. The Better Health Challenge is 90 For Life health, wellness, and weight loss "Pak" designed for you to gain greater health. You can visit the website at livelongersupplements.youngevity.com
- IdLife Vitamins and Supplement Your DNA designed YOU, so your DNA should design your vitamins, too! Optimize your health with a personalized nutrition program linked to your unique genetic makeup. You can shop by Category: Weight Loss, Fitness, Energy, Vitamins, Skin Care, Kids Vitamins, Product Stacks (Pack), and Doing Good.
- The World's Most Advanced Nutraceuticals Market America's Isotonix supplements are scientifically-advanced formulas designed to give your body the maximum benefit from vitamins and minerals. Isotonix offers a complete array of products designed to fit your needs.
With the Isotonix Daily Essentials Kit, you can be sure that you're giving your body the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs thanks to four essential supplements - Isotonix OPC-3®, Isotonix Multivitamin, Isotonix Activated B-Complex, and Isotonix Calcium Plus - to promote long-term health and optimal nutrition. With Isotonix:- Rapidly absorbed by the body.
- A high concentration of vitamins and minerals
- Maximum results
- TLSslim.com/deonhuff – TLS Weight Management Supplements are another option for you if you wish to lose weight quickly. We highly recommend the TLS® 30-Day Jump-Start Kit: Includes NutriClean 7-Day Cleansing System; TLS CORE; Isotonix Daily Essentials Packets; 2 TLS Nutrition Shakes – 1 Vanilla; 1 Chocolate; Jump-Start Booklet; Tracking Sheet

Brought To You By Worldclass

Kimberly A. Tessmer, RDN, LD

Stacy Cappadona, RDN, LD MS, RD, LDN, CSCS

Nell Stephenson, BS

Dr. Zacharia Reda, MD

Suzanne Fisher MS, RD, LDN

Dr. Daniel J. Muppidi, MD